Collocations of Make (1)

Collocations of Make(1)

    Collocation is the combination of two or more words, which are often used together in a way that sounds correct. Collocation is very important to learn them and use them in your writing and conversation because it makes you writing very strong. 

Now, we have some words that come with the verb (Make) to form one collocation with a different meaning.

Make amends: to repair a relationship; to resolve a fight
Ex: I hope they can stop fighting and make amends. 

Make an application: to apply for something usually a job or bank account. 
Ex: I found a new job, so I want to make an application. 

Make an appointment: to organize a meeting with other people. 
Ex: Do I need to make an appointment with the doctor? 

Make believe: to pretend 
Ex: Only make believe I love you. 

Make an attempt: to try
Ex:  we made attempt to resolve the problem, but we failed. 

After you learn these five collocations, use them in your writing. 

Next time,  we have anther ten collocations. 

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